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World Breastfeeding Week


The enthusiasm and indomitable spirit of the ORS week carried forward to the month of August as we celebrated World Breastfeeding week in the first week of August. The theme was “Breastfeeding for healthy babies and Happy mother”. Celebrations were kicked off by Dr Palash Gogoi who delivered a talk on BF to the doctors, PG students and nurses at Nazareth hospital.
We had talks in various hospitals about the importance of breastfeeding. Poster competition was organised at Ganesh Das Maternal and Child Hospital for the nursing students. Again we had active participation throughout the week in 12 hospitals, 2 CHCs and urban community group.
Academic session on ‘Feeding problems in Preterm neonates’ was attended by both paediatricians and OG fraternity. Dr Anamika Mall, secretary IAP MSB delivered the talk to the mixed gathering.  

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